Cennamo Electronics, LLC

-Reliability Program Planning and Execution

-Electrical and Mechanical Design

Let Us Be Your Expert


Benefits of Services

Reliability Program Planning and Execution

Warranty returns and reduced customer satisfaction can be immediate cost and logistic burdens to a fielded product as well as a negative impact to future sales. Discovering early life failure modes and designing out of the product early in the development process is the most cost effective way to reduce those future burdens. Analysis coupled with experience is used to aid in the development process and reduce the chance of a design going down the wrong path which is more costly to correct, both financial and schedule, as the program progesses. Most of the services listed are designed to reduce long term costs associated with failures or supportability issues. The tasks should be part of a program plan that utilizes the unique outputs of each to make a reliable, maintainable, and safe system. Investing in these activities will pay for itself and beyond over time.

All tasks have formal reports, but the true benefit lies in design influence. The reliability evaluations and estimations are determined by the design details and any true improvements to those evaluations, estimated field experience, require design influence. Cennamo Electronics has extensive experience using these tools to improve designs to meet internal and external expectations which reduce costs over the life of the product.

Check out the Reliability Program Plan (RPP) sample page accessible here.

Cost of change with respect to design phase

Electrical and Mechanical Design

Cennamo Electronics utilizes extensive experience in reliability and failure analysis to build robust designs within the desired budget constraints. Many failure modes only require knowledge of how to combat them and are not expensive to incorporate. By using experience in failure analysis to drive design along with traditional design tools, costs of trial and error learning processes can be significantly reduced during the design phase which also reduces the warranty costs and reputation damaging consequences of field failures.

The design starts with understanding of electrical circuitry and expected failure modes to shape the initial design. Next is component selection and de-rating which includes electrical stress, vibration, shock, and thermal considerations. Then the initial mechanical design for locations of assemblies and characteristics is defined. Placement and layout characteristics for the expected environment for electrical assemblies follows. Robust testing rounds up the design phase of electrical and mechanical design.

Check out the JR23 Product and Design page for a design example accessible here.

Cennamo Electronics Overview

Cennamo Electronics specializes in electrical system design, analysis, and reliability testing. Analysis focuses include electrical stress (within the circuit and their impact on the expected life) and potential failure modes (circuit failure modes and their effects). Reliability testing includes accelerated stresses for early failure mode identification during design.

Cennamo Electronics provides a vast suite of specialty engineering products and services including the following.

Reliability inputs to design
Cennamo Electronics Logo

Please e-mail info@cennamoelectronics.com or call (614) 600-7634 for more information.

Cennamo Electronics, LLC is a limited liability company formed in the state of Ohio.